Ethiopian Harrar coffee, is generally highly rated and known for its winey and fruity, floral-toned acidity, bright in the cup, even intense - and tasting notes describe it with a rich and pungent, heady aroma that is wonderfully reminiscent of blackberries. Coffee with medium-sized beans with greenish-yellow color, medium acidity, and full-body, and a distinctive Mocha flavor. The flavors and aromas of Harrar also suggest notes of blueberries and apricots—and the intense aromatics make it a popular choice for espresso blends. It is internationally known and recognized as Harar Trade Brand Name and highest premium coffee in the world.
Heavy-bodied, spicy and fragrant, Ethiopian Harrar coffee is a wild and exotic dry processed (natural) Arabica coffee that is grown on small farms in the Oromia region (formerly Harrar) in southern Ethiopia at elevations between 1,400 meters and 2,000 meters. The province of Harrar, is east of Addis Ababa, the country's capitol.
Ethiopian Harrar coffee is generally highly rated and known for its winey and fruity, floral-toned acidity, bright in the cup, even intense - and tasting notes describe it with a rich and pungent, heady aroma that is wonderfully reminiscent of blackberries. A good Harrar is bold and edgy with a complexity and spice tones that may include cinnamon, cardamom, blueberry jam, apricots, compote, even smoke, and with a lingering finish. The Harrar coffees are considered power house coffees, exhibiting a bold taste that resonates in the cup. Being sun-dried, these coffees exhibit a complex, wild fruitiness that is unmistakable, though sometimes a bit muted. This leads to some interesting flavor contributions to blends. A fine Harrar coffee has a very interesting dry edge to it, and sometimes a surprisingly pleasant, slightly fermented aftertaste including intense notes of jasmine. The flavors and aromas of Harrar also suggest notes of blueberries and apricots—and the intense aromatics make it a popular choice for espresso blends.